Created with GIMP
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Parents Email Address
Please enter a parents email address
Parental Consent
Full Name
Your Full Name
Please enter the school you attend
Describe your character. Height, hair, build, etc
Choose your Character’s Race here
Choose whether to join one of the Human armies, an Outlander guild or a clan or tribe from one of the other races.
Name of Guild, Clan or Tribe if selected above.
Choose your Character’s Class here. Do you want them to be a fighter, healer or maybe a crafter.
Add skills your character has acquired.
Add details of any events you attend and what you did
Add details of any rewards your character received.
Selected Value: 0
Set your Hero Points here. Note these will be checked against the records from the Battle Masters.
Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Here you can upload an image of your character.
Please ensure that your image file name conforms to the following format


Click or drag a file to this area to upload.
Here you can upload an image of your character’s flag.
Please ensure that your image file name conforms to the following format


Entries with offensive or discriminatory names or remarks will be deleted